7 research outputs found

    Coonsovo povezivanje klase C1 trokutnih dijelova

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    A Gordon-Coons-type surface construction starts from three differentiable triangular surface patches, which are defined on the same triangular parameter domain. If one boundary curve of each fits a curvilinear triangle, then the defined surface interpolates to these curves. The connection between the resulting surface and the constituents is C1 continuous along the common boundary curves with the exception of the corner points. This surface definition is an extension of the Gordon--Coons definition of a triangular surface patch constructed from three boundary curves.Gordon-Coonsova konstrukcija plohe kreće od tri diferencijabilna trokutna plošna dijela koji su definirani na istom trokutnom parametarskom području. Ako po jedna rubna krivulja svakog od njih odgovara krivuljnom trokutu, tada definirana ploha interpolira te krivulje. Veza između dobivene plohe i sastavnih dijelova je klase C1 duž zajedničkih rubnih krivulja, s izuzetkom vrhova. Ova definicija plohe je proširenje Gordon-Coonsove definicije trokutnog plošnog dijela konstruiranog iz tri granične točke

    The hippocampal CA3 region can generate two distinct types of sharp wave-ripple complexes, in vitro.

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    Hippocampal sharp wave-ripples (SPW-Rs) occur during slow wave sleep and behavioral immobility and are thought to play an important role in memory formation. We investigated the cellular and network properties of SPW-Rs with simultaneous laminar multielectrode and intracellular recordings in a rat hippocampal slice model, using physiological bathing medium. Spontaneous SPW-Rs were generated in the dentate gyrus (DG), CA3 and CA1 regions. These events were characterized by a local field potential gradient (LFPg) transient, increased fast oscillatory activity and increased multiple unit activity (MUA). Two types of SPW-Rs were distinguished in the CA3 region based on their different LFPg and current source density (CSD) pattern. Type 1 (T1) displayed negative LFPg transient in the pyramidal cell layer, and the associated CSD sink was confined to the proximal dendrites. Type 2 (T2) SPW-Rs were characterized by positive LFPg transient in the cell layer, and showed CSD sinks involving both the apical and basal dendrites. In both types, consistent with the somatic CSD source, only a small subset of CA3 pyramidal cells fired, most pyramidal cells were hyperpolarized, while most interneurons increased firing rate before the LFPg peak. Different neuronal populations, with different proportions of pyramidal cells and distinct subsets of interneurons were activated during T1 and T2 SPW-Rs. Activation of specific inhibitory cell subsets - with the possible leading role of perisomatic interneurons - seems to be crucial to synchronize distinct ensembles of CA3 pyramidal cells finally resulting in the expression of different SPW-R activities. This suggests that the hippocampus can generate dynamic changes in its activity stemming from the same excitatory and inhibitory circuits, and so, might provide the cellular and network basis for an input-specific and activity-dependent information transmission. (c) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Various clinical scenarios leading to development of the string sign of the internal thoracic artery after coronary bypass surgery: the role of competitive flow, a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The left internal mammary artery (LIMA) is the choice for grafting of the left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD). One possible mechanism of the rare graft failure involve the presence of competitive flow.</p> <p>Method</p> <p>105 patients who had undergone coronary bypass grafting between 1998 and 2000 were included in this observational study. The recatheterizations were performed 28 months after the operations. The rate of patency the LIMA grafts was determined, and the cases with graft failure were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The LIMA graft was patent in 99 patients (94%). Six patients (6%) exhibited diffuse involution of the graft (string sign). The string sign was always associated with competitive flow as the basis of the LIMA graft involution. In one case quantitative re-evaluation of the preoperative coronary angiography revealed merely less than 50% diameter stenosis on the LAD with a nonligated side-branch of the LIMA. At recatheterization in two patients the pressure wire measurements demonstrated only a non-significant decrease of the fractional flow reserve (0.83 and 0.89), despite the 53% and 57% diameter stenosis in the angiogram. Another patient displayeda significant regression of the LAD lesion between the pre- and postoperative coronary angiography (from 76% to 44%) as the cause of the development of the competitive flow. In one instance, a radial artery graft on the LAD during a redo bypass operation resulted in competitive flow in the radial graft due to the greater diameter than that of the LIMA. In a further patient, competitive flow developed from a short sequential part of the LIMA graft between the nonsignificantly stenosed diagonal branch and the LAD, with involution of the main part of the graft to the diagonal branch.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The most common cause of the development of the string sign of a LIMA graft due to competitive flow is overassessment of the lesion of the LAD. Regression of a previous lesion or some other neighboring graft can also cause the phenomenon.</p

    Nemezis. Egy Agatha Christie-regényből készült adaptációk összehasonlító elemzése

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    A dolgozat témája az angol krimi, azon belül Agatha Christie egyik kiemelkedő alkotása, amelynek címe Nemezis. Az irodalmi alkotás tükrében veszem górcső alá az ebből készült két korszak televíziós adaptációját. Az 1987-es és 2007-es film regényhez fűződő kapcsolatát, a transzformációit vizsgálom meg közelebbről. Az elemzést két központi részre bontottam. Az első részben a plán típusok, a térkezelés, az idősíkok mibenlétére térek ki a regény illetve a filmek nyitányában és zárójeleneteiben. Ezen belül az elemi eszközöket (tér és időkezelés), a plasztikus, képen belüli eszközöket (plánok, fény-árnyék, beállítás-ellenbeállítás), illetve a kiegészítő és alkalmazott eszközöket (hang, szín, zene) vizsgálom meg közelebbről. Valamint ugyancsak itt foglalkozok a cím regényben és filmes szövegkörnyezetben történő megjelenésével. A második szekcióban elsősorban a társadalmi, politikai, pszichológiai összefüggésekre kívánok rámutatni. Mi az, amit a film bemutat? Hogyan jelennek meg a szerepkörök által a hatalmi viszonyok? Milyen szimbolikus motívumok vannak jelen? Milyen az a kontextus, amelyben készültek a filmek, illetve milyen más elemeket emelnek be, amelyek esetleg túlmutatnak, kívül esnek a krimi műfaji konvencióinak határain?MscKommunikáció-és Médiatudományi Tanszé

    Coonsovo povezivanje klase C1 trokutnih dijelova

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    A Gordon-Coons-type surface construction starts from three differentiable triangular surface patches, which are defined on the same triangular parameter domain. If one boundary curve of each fits a curvilinear triangle, then the defined surface interpolates to these curves. The connection between the resulting surface and the constituents is C1 continuous along the common boundary curves with the exception of the corner points. This surface definition is an extension of the Gordon--Coons definition of a triangular surface patch constructed from three boundary curves.Gordon-Coonsova konstrukcija plohe kreće od tri diferencijabilna trokutna plošna dijela koji su definirani na istom trokutnom parametarskom području. Ako po jedna rubna krivulja svakog od njih odgovara krivuljnom trokutu, tada definirana ploha interpolira te krivulje. Veza između dobivene plohe i sastavnih dijelova je klase C1 duž zajedničkih rubnih krivulja, s izuzetkom vrhova. Ova definicija plohe je proširenje Gordon-Coonsove definicije trokutnog plošnog dijela konstruiranog iz tri granične točke